cppexpose  1.0.0.b785e04f23b8
C++ library for type introspection, reflection, and scripting interface
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NhelperTemplate helpers that deal with type traits and conditional template specialization
 Call< false, MoreConditions... >
 Call< true >
 Call< true, MoreConditions... >
 CArgValueTemplate for parsing typed arguments from a list of variants
 CArgValue< bool, POS >
 CArgValue< const cppexpose::Object *, POS >
 CArgValue< const T &, POS >
 CArgValue< const Variant &, POS >
 CArgValue< cppexpose::Object *, POS >
 CArgValue< double, POS >
 CArgValue< float, POS >
 CArgValue< Variant, POS >
 CArgValueGenGenerate ArgValue class for types and index (e.g., ArgValueGen<2, float, int, double>::Type = ArgValue<int, 2>
 CCallConstMethodTemplate for calling a const member function with a return value
 CCallConstMethod< T, void, Arguments... >Template for calling a const member function without a return value
 CCallFunctionTemplate for calling a static function with a return value
 CCallFunction< void, Arguments... >Template for calling a static function without a return value
 CCallMethodTemplate for calling a member function with a return value
 CCallMethod< T, void, Arguments... >Template for calling a member function without a return value
 CGenSeqSequence generator (e.g., GenSec<3>::Type = Seq<0, 1, 2>)
 CGenSeq< 0, I... >
 Cneg< true >
 CPickTypePick type by index (e.g., PickType<1, void, int, float>::Type = int)
 CPickType< 0, T, Arguments... >
 CSeqGenerate a sequence of numbers (e.g., Seq<0, 1, 2>)
 CAbstractComponentAbstract base class for components
 CAbstractFunctionBase class for callable functions or function objects
 CAbstractGenericComponentAbstract base class for generic components
 CAbstractPropertyBase class for properties
 CAbstractScriptBackendBase class for scripting context backends
 CAbstractSignalAbstract base class for signals
 CComponentRepresents a concrete component that can be instanciated
 CComponentManagerClass for managing components and plugins
 CComponentRegistryRegistry for newly registered components
 CComponentTypesDetermine component types for a type
 CComponentTypes< BaseType, typename VoidType< typename BaseType::AbstractComponentType >::type >Determine component types for a type
 CConnectionObject that represents a connection to a signal
 CStateConnection state
 CConstMemberFunctionRepresentation of a const member function
 CDynamicPropertyRepresentation of dynamic object properties
 CExampleExample class used to demonstrate plugins
 CFunctionClass representing a callable function
 CGenericComponentRepresents a generic component of a specific type
 CMemberFunctionRepresentation of a member function
 CMethodRepresentation of a method of an object
 CObjectBase class for reflection-enabled objects
 CPluginLibraryRepresents a dynamic plugin library
 CPropertyRepresentation of object properties
 CScopedConnectionTool to maintain a connection within a certain scope
 CScriptContextThe entry point to managing scripting in your application
 CSignalSignal class for communicating events
 CStaticFunctionRepresentation of a static function
 CTokenizerText parser tool that converts a text buffer into a stream of tokens
 CLookaheadToken information from lookahead
 CTreeNodeExample class for dynamic hierarchies
 CTypeInterfaceBase interface for accessing typed values
 CVoidTypeHelper struct for SFINAE